

This is the end of the year. First thing, I would like to thank you for your patience and also apologise for the inconveniences resulting from these "virtual classes".  I am aware of the drawbacks but I hope to have been useful to a certain extend. 

To finish, here you have some more exam practice. From Friday we will be working to organise your oral exams. Remember you have to check when to take it in Ikasgune. The information will be available by the end of next week.

I hope you will do well in the exam . "Break a leg" 


Task 1     key

Task 2     key

Task 3a    key

Task 3b    key


Task 1         Audio          Key

Task 2         Audio          Key

Task 3         Audio         Key

Find some useful tips in this video

Here you have some videos with monologues on different topics.

See you soon.

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